A good skincare routine is so important, because not only does it take care of your skin in the present, it protects your skin for the future. The first step of your skincare routine is washing your face, and you’d be surprised how many are doing it wrong. Let’s dive in:

The Do’s:

Have a simple regimen! Less is more when it comes to skincare, and it’s important to stay consistent. Find a cleanser that’s right for your skin type, and stick to it so that your skin can adjust. Here’s a sample regimen:

  • Step 1: Pre Remove your makeup
  • Step 2: Using lukewarm water and your hands, massage a gentle cleanser into
  • your skin
  • Step 3: Rinse, and pat dry with a towel
  • Step 4: Finish with your toners, serums, and a moisturizer!

Invest in your skin care! The key here is quality over quantity. Your skin is something you need to take care of every day for the rest of your life (eek!). It sounds daunting, but if you invest in a few quality products now, then trust us when we say that you’ll be much happier down the line. Look for natural products with clean ingredients. Avoid products with alcohol in them, as well as those with crazy scents and dyes. Sadly, that means it’s time to ditch the pink glitter soap you bought back in 2015.

Do your research! Everyone has a different skin type, and as much as we’d like to say there’s a magic product out there that works for everyone, that simply is not the case. Figure out what skin type you have (Dry? Oily? Combination?), and find products that are intended specifically for your skin type. Here’s a hint: 9/10 times, the bottle will give you all the information you need. We offer free skin consults in store, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, we can totally help!

The Don’ts:

Don’t sleep in your makeup. Sleeping in your makeup means that all the dirt that is trapped under it gets to sit in your pores overnight. Your skin needs time to breathe and recover from the day just as much as you do! Take off your makeup with a gentle makeup remover before you actually wash your face. Try a micellar water – it contains micelle molecules that break down the layers of makeup and dirt on your face!

Don’t over-do it. It can be tempting to cleanse frequently throughout the day, but try to avoid this. All you really need is a good cleanse in the morning, at night, and maybe one after your workout if you sweat a ton. Anything more than this can strip your skin of the natural oils it needs to be healthy! Over-exfoliating can irritate your skin as well, so it’s best to use your hands, rather than a washcloth. Yes, we want to remove the dirt. No, we don’t want to remove your actual skin. Aim to lather the product for about 20-30 seconds with your fingers. Anything longer than that can quickly irritate your skin.

Don’t use cheap products. It can be tempting to grab the cheapest thing off the shelves, but like we said, skincare is something you should invest in. You don’t need to break the bank on your cleanser, but look for something with good reviews and no crazy ingredients.