Unless you have some kind of superpower, you’ve gone through at least one or two horrible brow phases in your life. Whether you plucked them within an inch of their life, had one that arched higher than the other, tweezed half of each brow out (from either end), or all of the above, we can all agree that these rookie brow mistakes should never see the light of day again. In order to avoid making these mistakes again, here are some big no no’s to be aware in your brow routine:



The rest of this list is in no particular order, but this is hands-down #1. Over-plucking can do much more damage than it’s actually worth. If you’re unsure where to start with the plucking, remember: start below and go slow. Don’t go yanking at four hairs at once – go one hair at a time, and work from underneath your brows. Plucking the top of your brows can lead to that very unfortunate, ultra-thin look that we all thought was cute in middle school, but gives us nightmares now. Also, don’t pluck too much off the front of your brows! Targeting the peach fuzz in between them is fine, but once you hit your actual eyebrow, you’re in dangerous territory.


Filling in EVERY part of your brows.

There’s an art to filling in your brows, and chalking them full of product is not the way to go. Try to focus your product in the sparse areas of your brows in order to achieve a more even, natural look. Less is usually more, so only use product where you need it. Avoid being heavy-handed, and build your brows up slowly!


Making your brows identical.

Remember, your brows are supposed to be sisters, not twins! Stenciling them in or trying to get them to be perfectly identical isn’t worth the hassle. Your brows will look much more natural when you don’t try to force them into twindom. Follow the natural shape of each brow while grooming and filling them in, and like we said before, less is more.


Using dark shades to achieve a ~bold~ look.

We love bold brows as much as the next person, but what we don’t love are sharpie brows. There’s a fine line between bold and wayyy too dark. Try using a product that is one shade lighter than your natural brows, and achieve your bold look by gradually building it up. You can also check out our article on soap brows to learn how to achieve the latest fluffy brow trend!


Leaving it all up to nature.

While we all dream of having naturally fluffy brows that can be perfected with two swipes of the spoolie, it’s sadly unrealistic for most of us. Put some real care into those babies! There are professionals out there whose job it is to make your brows look their best (Ummm hi! It’s us!), so let them help! Taking care of your brows is just as important as taking care of your skin or your hair, so don’t overlook them when you’re planning out your beauty routines. Here is a list of the services we offer in case you need some help along your brow journey!

Avoiding these mishaps will ensure that your eyebrows are up to the highest standard of brow beauty! You will soon be following in the footsteps of Cara Delevigne, Lily Collins, Emilia Clarke, and so many other celebrities whose brows are as famous as they are. Remember, don’t be afraid to ask for help with your brows, because most of us need it. Everyone deserves to have the fullest, most luscious brows they can get!