Many a bored quarantiner picked up new hobbies and talents last year. Trends seemed to come in waves, from baking the perfect loaf of banana bread to tie-dying sweatsuits and everything in between. A certain faction took it upon themselves to make the most out of closed down nail salons and learn how to give themselves manicures, some with such success that they never need to step foot in a nail salon again. Obviously, we’re jealous of those of you who picked up such an elite craft over the past months, but we realized it’s never too late to begin. 


But before you can perfect the ultimate at-home manicure, you need to know how to care for your nails. Just like your hair and your skin, your nails need some TLC whenever you can spare it. If nail care wasn’t really on your radar until now, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Below are some tips, tricks, and things to avoid when caring for your nails.


Not to state the (hopefully) obvious, but you’ve gotta keep those babies clean. Okay, okay, it’s kinda cute and all when a little kid has grubby fingers from playing in the sandbox, but it is not cute when a grown up does. Past the age of, like, 8 years old, you should be washing your hands with enough regularity that no dirt gets stuck under your nails. For the occasions when the odd crumb or debris gets stuck under there, be sure to clean it out. Not only does it help you look more put together, it’s more sanitary. More bacteria in bodily crevices (ew) = more of a chance for that bacteria to end up somewhere potentially damaging, such as your skin or mouth. We’ll leave it at that.


Along that same vein, the tools you use on your nails should be equally as sanitary as your nails themselves. Whether you’re trimming your nails, make sure that the tools you use are clean and sharp. This will make the process as hygienic as possible, and will also make it easier on you. If your tools are dull, you’ll end up yanking on your skin and potentially tearing at your cuticles. Replace your trimmers when they start to get dull, and make sure to store them in a clean, dry place!


And on that note, don’t use your teeth. Biting your nails or chewing your cuticles off is super damaging (and painful!) and can lead to a plethora of hangnails and sensitive nail beds. You could also end up removing way more of your cuticles than is safe – your cuticles are there to protect your nails, so you shouldn’t actually be removing them. If you feel like they’re getting too long, use a wooden tool to gently (!!!) push them back. In general, stick to the tools that are specifically designed for cutting/shaping your nails and cuticles. You’ll thank yourself later.


When moisturizing, don’t forget your cuticles. We put lotion on our hands like our lives depend on it, but how often do you consciously sit down and apply moisturizer to your cuticles? You can use any hydrating lotion, or buy a special cuticle oil. This will reduce hangnails and will make your fingers a whole lot happier.


With these healthy nail habits in mind, you’ll be well on your way to a professional-grade at-home manicure. Once your nails are long and strong, you can manicure to your heart’s content. We hope these tips will have you doing nail art galore!