Has anyone else worn their hair in exclusively messy buns for the past six months? No? We totally haven’t either, we’re asking for a friend…


Last month we talked about how to adjust your skincare routine to account for the dry winter months. This month, we’re here to remind you that your hair needs some special TLC as well. Winter or not, your hair is just as susceptible to environmental changes as your skin is, and just like your skin, there are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to hair care. If you’re somehow blessed with thick, luscious hair that is soft 24/7, keep scrolling, we’re all jealous of you. But if you’re like the rest (or most) of us, you’ve probably dealt with some less-than-ideal hair days from time to time. We can relate.


Let’s start with the basics: washing your hair. If you’ve heard this 100 times, let this be the 101st. What you put in your hair matters! Those smelly shampoos might be tempting, but chances are they’re loaded with chemicals that are harmful to your hair. Another no-no are sulfates – they might help strip dirt away from your hair, but they also strip away moisture. Your locks needs to maintain some of its natural moisture to stay healthy, so sulfates leave your hair lacking. Similarly, shampooing your hair daily, no matter what shampoo you’re using, eliminates the natural oils that are needed to keep your hair healthy and smooth. Not on our watch! Try shampooing every other day, or go even longer if you can!


Once you’re out of the shower, don’t get overzealous. Rather than grabbing a towel right away and wringing your hair out, pause for a minute. Wet hair is fragile, so wringing your hair out aggressively and wrapping it up tightly with a towel can cause a lot of damage. Instead, run your fingers through your hair and gently squeeze the excess moisture out of it. Then, lightly scrunch it or rub it out with a cotton towel (plain cotton t-shirts also work great). If you’re hung up on the whole towel-dry method, it’s okay, we have a solution! Microfiber towels are much gentler on your delicate hair and will eliminate frizz and breakage. Byrdie listed their favor

ite microfiber towels of 2021, and we highly suggest taking a look. (As a quick sidebar, we recommend using soft scunchies like these from The She Jewels to avoid breakage as well.)


Now that your hair is washed and dried, let’s discuss brushing. A good brush through to remove the tangles feels amazing, as we all know. However, just like washing, there is indeed such a thing as brushing your hair too often. Brushing causes friction, and can make your hair frizzy (or if you are already prone to frizz, it can only worsen the problem). Additionally, too much brushing can lead to the B word – breakage. Over brushing can also over-stimulate the oil glands on your scalp, making it greasier than it actually needs to be. Although it might be tempting to run a brush through your hair every time you feel a tangle, don’t do it. Experts say you should brush your hair no more than twice a day!


And finally, the do’s and dont’s of styling. We totally understand being in a time crunch, but don’t be too hasty with styling. It’s best to allow your hair some time to air dry before you blow dry it. You want your hair to be damp when you begin to put heat on it, rather than dripping wet – too much time under a blow dryer can cause heat damage, and the wetter your hair is, the longer it takes to dry. Try to find something to do between showering and blow drying, like making a snack or doing your makeup. Lastly, we would be remiss if we failed to remind you to use heat protectant. One more time for the ladies in the back: use heat protectant! Other than not putting heat on your hair, this is your best defense against heat damage.


If, through the course of reading this article, you’ve realized you’re doing it wrong, you’re not alone. With that being said, your hair health is important and it’s never too late to make a change!