Okay team, say it with us: summer is officially here! …And so are the days of 100 degree heat, easy dehydration, and sunburns. But yay, summer!!


As with any seasonal change, you’ll need to switch up your skincare routine a little bit to accommodate the uncontrollable differences in your environment. In the summertime, you’re typically exposed much more to the sun and your skin tends to dry out more quickly. Relaxing days at the beach can quickly turn into a painful sunburn and a subsequent week of super cute peeling if you’re not careful! Here are some of the things we recommend incorporating into your skincare routine for these long summer days:


Moisture, moisture, moisture. It’s basic science: sunlight absorbs the moisture from your skin, leaving it drier than before. Other summer staples such as pool water or self tanners can also leave your skin parched and in dire need of a moisturizer. When you feel your skin start to get flaky, make sure to double up on the moisturizer to deliver the boost of hydration it desperately needs. In fact, get ahead of the game and add in that extra moisture ahead of time. Flakiness is certainly not your ideal summer accessory.


Sunscreen like your life depends on it. You guys, this should be a no-brainer, but we’ll remind you anyway, because it’s that important. Apply sunscreen. Every single day. It doesn’t matter if you’re inside or outside, if it’s overcast and rainy or it’s sunny without a cloud in the sky. Wearing sunscreen will protect your skin in the short term and in the long term. Sunny summer days are great for the soul, but not great for your skin. Make sure that your skin is protected from UV rays as much as humanly possible. If you still don’t believe us, we busted some sunscreen myths last month


Lighten up on the retinols. While retinol has some incredible benefits for your skin, it can also make your skin more sensitive due to the nature in which it functions. Retinol chemically exfoliates dead skin cells, leaving room for newer, healthier cells to populate. This means that the barrier formed by the old, dead skin cells is gone, leaving your skin more susceptible to harm from the outside. Not to worry – we’re still big fans of retinol. We simply recommend that you slow your use of them in the summertime. And, like we mentioned, make sure you are diligent with your sunscreen application!


Treat yourself to a facial… a HydraFacial. Facials in general are one of the best ways to fully cleanse and reset your skin for a new season. As much of a skincare aficionado as you might be, sometimes you simply need to call in the pros. There are tons of different types of facials out there, and we offer a broad selection of them. Our current favorite is the HydraFacial. This customizable facial will leave your skin cleansed, hydrated, and ready to take on the sun!


Hopefully this helps set you on the right path towards that perfect, glowing skin that we all crave so badly in the summertime. Everyone’s skin is different, and you need to find the routine that’s right for you, but these steps are pretty universally beneficial. Remember, taking diligent care of your skin now will have your future self eternally grateful to your present self!