We can all agree that to accepting and loving yourself seems like a pipe dream. Some day, one day; am I right? 2017 was full of life-changing lessons, opportunities, triumphs, and tribulations that have redirected the paths of our lives entirely; which fueled our vision for 2018. We are excited to share what we have gained from those experiences as this new year begins. Our campaign #MYEDGE is about rebirth and reinventing our lives to create a reality that is fulfilling and true to the core of oneself.

What is an Edge? We use this term. A lot. What we mean by your “Edge” is the capability you have to harness who you are and what you want to do. The ability to understand this concept, to truly grasp, believe and more importantly LIVE this notion, allows a level of freedom one cannot express in words. It dissolves all sense of fear, doubt, insecurity and the common need for external validation. Who would have thought simply believing in yourself would be so powerful? Let’s get things straight. We are no role models, we are not here to preach on a soap box and shove self-help down your throat. We are writing this because we believe in you. We believe in everyone. Part of achieving what your heart desires is first simply believing that you can. There is no secret, no quick-fix — believe, plan, action. That is it.

We all know the cycle, you take a look at your life and analyze what you believe that your lacking. Still, we continue with our every day tasks because it is uncomfortable to make changes when that road is uncharted. The discomfort of change can be debilitating if you don’t take a moment to realize how much power you actually hold when navigating your life. Anyone who knows me knows my love for metaphors. So, just for a second imagine yourself as a boat—and no don’t jump to think this is my way of telling you that you are sinking. Just as the wind will push those sails, you will only go in the direction you desire if they are positioned accordingly. That is not to say that storms won’t come where you are forced to adjust. You simply work WITH, not against, nature’s currents to keep you on the path that you seek. Adaptation is your foundation and persistence is your power.

Everyone is different, and this journey is specific to each and every one of us. Some achieve it faster than others, and some never do quite get there. The difference is effort despite conditions. Conditions will forever be temporary and ever-changing, while your effort is constant. Sometimes that is the only stability one can have in this life.

“You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” — Jim Carrey

In 2018, we are all about providing you with some ‘feel good’ content that drives your edge. We want to make it a little bit easier for you to feel good because when you FEEL good you DO good. Confidence is relative, feeling confident on more levels than what is seen on the outside allows us to take more chances, trust ourselves more, and ultimately create a life that is our own. I could spoil all the exciting things to come but what is the fun in that? Stay tuned as we share our favorite things that bring us joy in our lives, in hope you find things you like along the way too. Stick with us, grow with us, and make your edge count. You owe it to yourself because through any storm you are all you got. We hope to empower you and to inspire you— just as you have done for us.

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