We’re obsessed with our team members, so we take every opportunity we have to brag about them. This week, we’re featuring our amazing NP-C and Master Injector, Krista Corbett. She began her career at a subspecialty neurology practice and went on to hone her skills on the cosmetic side of things. She values education and knowledge, and brings a unique background to the team. 


When did you join the Ero Edge team?

March 2019.


What led you to a career in the beauty industry?

Working in reconstructive plastic surgery as a surgical first assist I experienced what a profound difference in confidence we can create by reducing or manipulating the signs of aging.


Why do you love what you do? 

I enjoy allowing people to feel good about themselves and go out and conquer life with confidence.


What’s your favorite thing about working with the Ero Edge team?

Coming from a large corporate hospital there are many things I am grateful for working at Ero Edge. The entire team provides an atmosphere of mutual respect, safety and support. I am able to maintain a healthy work-life balance and feeling that someone cares about my success and happiness.


If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Trust your gut, follow your heart, and DREAM BIG!


What’s your favorite service to perform, and why?  

Although I love how lips make us feel more sexy, a simple cheek augmentation can combat under eye bags and provide a more youthful appearance, and Sculpra can take years off our aging faces, I would have to say hair restoration.  After having Covid and losing a large amount of my own hair I know how detrimental it can be to your self-esteem.  I love to experience the excitement that comes from the regrowth of hair.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 

I love what I do, and feel like I will continue to gain experience and training in injecting.  I would love to provide more injections and services to help women with urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction.  And when I am not injecting I will be traveling the world with my dog Stella


What’s your current fave beauty product?

Lash lift from Emilee is my favorite beauty service I cannot live without!


If you didn’t have the job you have now, what would you be doing?

A beach bum 😉 Or a wellness coach.


If you could have dinner with one celebrity, alive or dead, who would it be? 

Buddha and Jesus.


We love having Krista on our team! To learn more about Krista, you can read her staff bio or book an appointment with her!