At Ero Edge, we’re constantly testing out new products. We’re skincare junkies, and we’re always eager to find the latest and greatest tools that will transform your skin. Well, we’ve found a new favorite. This bad boy can seriously improve the texture and complexion of your face in as little as three (3!!) sessions. Introducing (drumroll)… The SkinPen. 


So, what is it?? The SkinPen is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device in the world. It’s clinically proven to improve the appearance of blemishes, scarring and wrinkles on the face and neck. It’s minimally invasive, requires little to no downtime (typically less than 24 hours), and the real kicker is that it provides noticeable results in as little as three sessions. It’s incredibly low maintenance and fast-acting!


We know what you’re thinking: it doesn’t sound real, how could that possibly work? Here’s how: Contrary to how the name sounds, we’re not drawing or writing on your skin. Using a single-use sterile needle cartridge, the SkinPen creates thousands of tiny holes, or “micro punctures” across your skin. A needle creating micro holes… micro + needle… Microneedling! The process of puncturing your skin rapidly kickstarts your body’s natural healing process and prompts tissue remodeling without causing scar tissue buildup. 


Another reason why we love it is that it’s clinically proven to be beneficial for men and women of all skin types and shades. There are tons of skin improvement treatments out there, but not all of them are universally beneficial so when we find one that is, we hang on tight. Plus, when spaced out effectively and used correctly by a professional, you can continue SkinPen treatments for years without any adverse effects on your skin.


But the fun doesn’t end there. One of our newest service offerings (featuring the SkinPen, of course) is the Vampire Facial. Ve vant to cleanse your skin! The Vampire Facial combines microneedling with Platelet-rich plasma, also known as PRP. This ultra-cleanse decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves tone and texture, brightens and tightens your skin, and improves acne scarring. Best of all, you’ll start to see visibly brighter skin after just one session (but we recommend a series of 3-6 for optimal results).


Unfortunately, the SkinPen isn’t something you can just buy online and use at home – it needs to be used by a licensed professional (*cough cough* us). Poking holes in your skin willy nilly in your bathroom could go… seriously wrong. So, if you feel like your skin could use some quick yet long lasting rejuvenation, you can book an appointment with us for microneedling, or for the full Vampire Facial! As always, we’re here to answer any questions you have, so don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation.


Happy microneedling!