It’s that time again… back to school season. Whether you’re still in school yourself or you have kids in school, this time of year is ushered in with lots and lots of stress. Come to think of it, let’s add a third “lots” for the COVID’s sake. Many of us are starting classes again, but this time, from our living room. Our usual back to school routines has to be scrapped, thrown out, and completely rewritten. You get the gist.

Here’s the good news: we’re here to make your life a little bit easier! Sure, you’ll still need the usual slew of pens, binders, and colored pencils, but there are some other aspects of the back to school season that shouldn’t be neglected. We did a roundup of some stay-at-home back to school essentials that you might not have thought of, but are bound to make your transition smoother:

1. A planner.

The number one thing we recommend to start your transition off smoothly is a planner. Whether you’re stuck working (or learning) from home, or you have some variation of socially distanced in-person classes, a planner will help you stay organized and on top of your schedule! We carry The Lamare planners in our salon – they have tons of room to keep you organized, and lots of fun additional prompts to boost your positivity!

2. A good moisturizer.

It’s not always the first thing that comes to mind when you think “back to school,” but with all of the handwashing and sanitizing we’re going to be doing this semester, moisturizer is a must. Maybe it’s just us, but once the weather starts to get colder it seems like no amount of hydration can keep our skin as moisturized as it needs to be. Grab some travel-sized bottles and throw them in your backpack, pencil pouch, purse, etc.!

3. Blue light glasses.

Since most of us are working and learning virtually this semester, our daily screen time is skyrocketing. Blue light blocking glasses are truly the answer to your prayers. They block the harsh blue light given off by computer and phone screens, making it easier to stare at a screen all day without going cross-eyed by the end of it. No need to break the bank with these – Amazon has a huge selection, most of which are under $20!

4. An exercise ball.

Yes, you read that right and no, it’s not because we’re doing aerobics. If you’re working or learning from home, using an exercise ball in lieu of a desk chair will change your life. It’s like an all-day-long core stabilization workout that you don’t even notice – sitting on something that could potentially roll away from you if you’re not careful forces your tiny core muscles to work in ways that sitting in a chair all day does not. In addition to strengthening your core, your back and glutes will feel way better. If you need some lumbar support, you can find a base with a chair back, like this one here.

5. A face mask (both kinds).

It goes without saying that by now, everyone should have found some solid face-covering options to keep those around them safe! Unfortunately, a lot of people have been experiencing breakouts because of their masks. If you’re one of these people, keep in mind that another factor to these breakouts could be stress. With both of these culprits at play, it’s important not to neglect your skin. Let’s face it (no pun intended), at the end of the day you’re going to be exhausted from all the learning you’re doing, and you could probably use some relaxation. Even if your schedule is jam-packed, try to find some time for self-care, even if it’s just a 10-minute face mask. Sephora has an amazing collection of face masks that you can get for as little as $3.

Take it easy on yourself this year, and know that you’re not alone in this! The back to school transition is tough on everyone, so it’s important to make an effort to adjust as smoothly as you can. Implementing some of these things into your life will help keep you sane, we promise!