This week we’re back to bust some common skin myths! We hope that busting this particular myth brings you all some solace, because trust us, you’re not alone here. The myth in question? 


“Adults can’t get acne, that’s just for teenagers.”


Go on, raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by this myth. Hearing it might make you feel like you’re stuck in your high school years, trying desperately to cover your zits because you think you’re the only one going through it. Take a deep breath, because this myth is completely false! I mean, it would be amazing if acne just ceased to exist after a few rough stretches as a kid, but the good news is that as annoying as adult acne is, it’s not unusual or rare. There are tons of other grown-ups who deal with it. Let’s dive into why this myth is so false, and all the reasons you might be experiencing adult acne.


Acne can be caused by a multitude of factors, none of which magically disappear after you’re done with puberty. Things like excess oil and bacteria, hormone shifts and stress can cause anyone, no matter their age, to break out. These triggers can exist in any environment, regardless of how old you are. What really matters is your skin hygiene.


Excess oil and bacteria is an easy one to combat because the answer is pretty simple: avoid external irritants and wash your skin. If your pores feel dirty and clogged, chances are you’ve got a breakout incoming. The best thing you can do to remove oil and bacteria buildup is to thoroughly cleanse your skin in the morning and at night. If you’re interested in a deep dive into how to properly wash your face, good news! We’ve got one. We’ve also laid out a step-by-step skincare routine that’s super thorough, yet easy to follow.


It should come as no surprise that heavy makeup products can clog your pores and cause breakouts. In reality, anything that sits on your skin could potentially clog your pores if you use too much of it, or aren’t cleansing properly. With makeup, a less-is-more approach tends to be beneficial, especially if you’re prone to flare-ups. Look for oil-free makeup, cleansers, sunscreens, and other products if you’re worried about adding fuel to the fire.


More difficult to control are hormonal shifts and stress. You can’t always predict when one of these things is going to happen, and sometimes you don’t even know it’s happening until you have a nice big patch of pimples on your chin. Changes in your hormone levels can cause excess oils in the skin, which leads right back to our first cause. And while stress isn’t necessarily considered a main cause of acne, it can certainly be a contributor. High stress levels can trigger reactions in your body’s ecosystem that send things into overdrive or weaken your immune system, thus lessening your skin’s defenses against pollutants from the outside. 


Simply put, adult acne is more common than you might think. If you’re dealing with a breakout, you shouldn’t feel ashamed or alone – it happens to the best of us! With the right cocktail of self-care, topical care, and professional care when needed, acne can be treated and kept at bay. If you’re looking for some advice from a pro, you can always book one of our free consults!