The warm weather may be coming to a close, but we’ll be holding onto summer trends for as long as we possibly can. Fake freckles were all the rage this summer, but we decided that this trend shouldn’t just be limited to the warmer months – no, fake freckles need to be a year round thing. While they’re not exactly a new concept, the rise of Tik Tok coupled with a hefty dose of quarantine boredom led fake freckles to explode onto the beauty scene this year. As the summer sun fades, all the more reason to find ways to keep up the glow you’ve spent the past few months building! 


There are a handful of different ways to produce fake freckles which is amazing because it means that there is truly something for everyone. Here are a few of our favorite ways to achieve the fake freckle look:


The Spoolie Method

This is a great method to try if you’re a freckle beginner, and you want to try them out at home. Take an eyelash spoolie and gently mist it with water. Then find a brown product (this can be an eyebrow pomade, brown mascara, brown eyeliner, etc.) and pick some up with the top tip of a mascara spoolie. Use the spoolie to apply the product to your face – this form of application will make your freckles more random and sporadic across your skin, so they won’t look like perfectly-placed fake dots. 


The last step of this method is to tap your finger lightly over the dots you’ve made to blend them in and spread them out. A key here is to start light, and build the product up slowly. Your freckles should look natural, so you don’t want any dark brown or black splotches on your face! Work with a gentle hand, and go easy on the product.


The Freckle Pen Method

Lots of makeup brands are starting to release products that are intended specifically for fake freckles. Usually they’re in the form of a pencil or felt-tipped pen, much like eyeliner products, but the formula is a bit different. Our personal favorite are the Freck products – they were the first to perfect freckle-specific makeup, and it shows! Their original product boasts long-lasting, realistic, and buildable fake freckles that are nearly impossible to differentiate from real freckles. Check out Freck here, or pop into our salon to pick up a tube!


The Henna Method

The only downside to the previous two methods is that you have to re-apply your freckles every morning. If you’re in search of some longer-lasting results, try henna! We definitely recommend having a professional help you with this one, because if done incorrectly the results can be far from what you desired. If done correctly, however, you’ll have a beautiful face of faux freckles that lasts up to two weeks! Always aim for an organic, brown henna with no added chemicals. This will be best for your skin, and will look the most natural. As always, we’ve got your back on this one – we offer henna freckles in the shop! Click here to book your session.


The Tattoo Method

Let’s say you’ve tried all of the above methods, and you’re loving them so much that you want them to last more long term. The most permanent options when it comes to fake freckles is actually to have them tattooed on. As you can see from our Instagram post here, having your freckles tattooed looks clean and natural, and it lasts from 12-18 months. Definitely try out some less-permanent options before heading down this road, but if you love what you see day-to-day, tattooing your freckles is an amazing option! 


We’ve loved watching the fake freckle trend circulate for the past few months, we just aren’t ready to let her go yet.We’re planning on heading into the colder months looking as glowy and as summer-y as possible, and we hope you’ll join us! Go out there and rock those freckles!