We can’t believe we’re already typing these words, but summer is flying by and fall is creeping closer and closer every day. EEK!! We plan on enjoying our days in the sun for as long as possible, and you definitely should, too. But with fun in the sun comes an inevitable issue: your skin takes a bit of a beating. With fall not far off, it’s imperative that you prep your skin for the coming dry months. 


We’ve gone over face washing, moisturizing, exfoliating, facials and more – all amazing ways to prep your skin for a change in seasons. But another great protective measure, and honestly an all-around self care fave, is (drumroll…) the face mask!


You’re probably not new to face masks, but we thought we’d jog your memory of why they’re so important, remind you of all the benefits they hold, and clue you in on some of our top picks. 


First things first, the why:

Obviously, washing your face regularly should be your default method of cleansing. If you’re not washing your face regularly, ummmm, we need to chat (and you should probably check out our very basic, step-by-step guide to cleansing). But here’s the nice thing about masks: they are rich with ingredients that help benefit your skin, and they’re designed to create a barrier that, for the duration that the mask is on your face, traps all of the good ingredients inside, thus penetrating your skin more deeply. Think about the mask like a barrier, under which all of the nutrients, exfoliators, and moisturizer to seep deeper into your skin.


There are an endless array of ingredients in face masks, and you should be applying different ones based on your individual skin concerns. For acne and inflammation, you’ll want to look for masks that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or other ingredients like clay and charcoal that help remove dead skin and unclog pores. For dark spots and hyperpigmentation, you’ll want to snag something that contains vitamin C, AHAs or lactic acid. For dry skin, ingredients like hyaluronic acid, aloe, or natural butters are your best friends, while masks containing charcoal, clay, AHAs and BHAs are better for those with oily skin.


Of course, there’s the age-old question: sheet mask vs cream/clay mask?

The short answer is that they’re both great. The long answer is that they have slightly different benefits. Sheet masks are hydrating and tend to have fewer ingredients than cream or clay masks. They’re ideal if you want to feel refreshed and glowy, but may not give you the deep cleanse you were hoping for. On the other hand, cream or clay masks are usually packed with more ingredients, and will really get the gunk out. However, you may not feel the dewy, glowy sheen that sheet masks leave behind. So really, the choice is yours.


With all that said, here are a few recommendations of masks we’re loving:


Some of these products are only available in-salon, or via our salon link. If you’re having trouble pinning down the mask of your dreams, give us a call or drop by our salon and let us point you in the right direction. And with all that said, go pop on your favorite show, pour yourself your beverage of choice, and face mask away!