We preach good skin habits all the time, but sometimes it’s good to remember the flip side. Certain habits can be hard to ditch, and you may not even realize you’re doing them – meanwhile, your skin is taking a toll. Looking young and wrinkle-free is something many of us strive for, so why not pass along a few tips to help you keep your skin smooth for as long as possible?


Let’s start with the big one: skipping sunscreen. If there is one thing you should implement every day for the rest of your life, let it be wearing sunscreen. Without sunscreen, the sun’s UV rays will slowly damage your skin’s collagen and connective tissue, resulting in a loss of elasticity. In case you were wondering, loss of elasticity = wrinkles = what most of us try to avoid all of our lives. Not to mention, leaving your skin unprotected can greatly increase your risk of skin diseases. Whether it’s sunny or overcast, or even if you don’t plan on leaving your house at all, apply sunscreen to your face every. single. day. 


It’s important to start from a clean slate every morning. Sleeping in your makeup lets the gunk of the day settle into your pores and clog them. This increases your chances of breaking out since all of the dirt and dead skin cells that accumulated during the day are now stuck in your skin. Caking more makeup on top of this is disastrous, and pimples become almost inevitable. In addition, many face washes have ingredients that boost your skin’s health, so skipping this is like skipping your daily vitamins. If you’re looking for some step-by-step tips, you can check out our winter skincare article here, or our face-washing instructions here.


While we’re on the topic of washing your face, let’s chat about over-drying your skin. Another huge detriment to your skin’s well-being and the longevity of your youthfulness, sucking all of the moisture out of your skin can increase your risk of wrinkles long-term. In the short term it can lead to eczema, which is something I think we’d all like to steer clear of. Make sure that you are thoroughly moisturizing your skin immediately after cleansing it. For an extra boost of moisture, use a humectant such as hyaluronic acid. You can find our article all about keeping your skin moisturized here!


So we’ve given you plenty of no’s, but what about things you can do to prevent aging? Day-to-day products are the first step, but sometimes you need a little extra preventative help. Simple treatments like Botox or dermal fillers are there to help when you feel like you’ve done everything your can, but still aren’t seeing the results you want. Let’s break it down:


Botox injections slow signs of aging. Botox prevents and reduces wrinkles, allowing you to feel more youthful, rejuvenated, and even relieved of stress. It’s a quick and easy treatment – you could be in and out of the salon in under 15 minutes!


Dermal filler hydrates and softens your skin, resulting in increased volume for a plump, youthful look. It restores sagging skin caused by aging by rebuilding your facial structure. It’s basically a liquid facelift without the cost and potential complications of going under the knife. Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid (Hi! Remember her? Suuuper hydrating and good for your skin?) or complex sugars which are a natural component of our skin. You’ll see immediate results with a minimally invasive procedure. Start to finish time is usually under 30 minutes – you could do it on your lunch break!


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: taking care of your skin is just as important as any other form of self care you practice. With the right amount of TLC (and maybe an extra little boost from us), your skin will look flawless and wrinkle-free for years to come.