This week we’re shining a spotlight on the amazing owner of Ero Edge, Alyssa! Not only does she run this place, she’s also an Everlasting Brows Instructor and a Master Esthetician (impressive, we know). Based out of Salt Lake City, Utah, Alyssa has worked with clients all over the country, and has hosted microblading training nationally as well. To help you all get to know her better, we put her in the virtual hot seat and asked her some questions. Cue the lights and the applause…. Ladies and gentleman, Alyssa!


How long ago did you open Ero Edge?

Ero Edge has grown to what it is today after officially starting it in 2012.


What led you to a career in the beauty industry?

I was always drawn to it from a young age. I grew up going to the salon with my mom any chance I could and really fell in love with self-care and all things beauty.


Can you elaborate on the name “Ero Edge?” What’s significant about it?

Ero comes from ‘Eros’, which is the god of attraction in Greek Mythology. The EDGE of desire – I loved the connection and it just stuck. I picked it way back in beauty school and now it has been amazing bringing it all to life the last few years. 


How do you see COVID-19 affecting this industry long term? Do you think there are any things that have changed for the better?

The largest and best takeaway from this year is gratitude. I have never been more grateful that I love what I do and have a new appreciation for every interaction with our amazing clients that we work with each day. As we have all been trying to navigate the unknown in this memorable year we have felt so much support throughout every obstacle. I think going forward collectively the industry will come together and together we will keep pushing for better days. 


What’s your current fave beauty product?

Currently I am obsessed with Dermalogica. Anyone who knows me has probably heard me talk of it but I am amazed how it has transformed my skin. Not only do I believe in their products, but I respect and admire what they stand for and their commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation as a company.


 What’s your favorite service to perform, and why?

From waxing to permanent cosmetics I have been brow obsessed since day one. I love what they can do to highlight a person’s features and make someone feel so confident.


If you didn’t have the job you have now, what would you be doing?

Something artistic, that is all I know. Design, fashion, music, anything along those lines. 


Where’s the first place you’re going to travel post-COVID?

I would love to go to Australia! It has been at the top of my list for years. 


If you could have dinner with one celebrity, alive or dead, who would it be?

John Mayer, just waiting for him to call me back 😉 


Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Where do you see the salon?

I imagine growth in so many ways! Our team, products, techniques, and more exciting things to come! The sky’s the limit and we are just getting started.


If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

You can create anything you desire. Be tenacious with your dreams, you are limitless. 


We’re so grateful to have such an amazing human leading our team! You can find Alyssa on Instagram @alyssaeverlasting, or book a session with her to work with her in person!